See the criteria for becoming a member of the League of Professional Theatre Women.
- Full Membership: Full members generally reside and work in the greater New York City vicinity (within a 100 mile radius of NYC) and are encouraged to join and participate on at least one League committee.
- Associate Membership: Associate Members may be those who are currently working in their theatre discipline for the equivalent of three years and have achieved early recognition or show exceptional promise. They will be considered on an individual basis and have no voting rights. Associate Members are encouraged to join and participate on at least one League committee.
- National Full/Associate Membership: National Members (those living and working outside of a 100 mile radius of NYC) are welcome and encouraged to participate in League activities when possible. National Full members who wish to vote in the annual elections may pay Full member dues.
- International Affiliate Membership: International Affiliates may include women working abroad whose credentials can be easily transposed to the League’s criteria and may be recommended by one full League Member. They are always welcome to participate in League activities when possible. They have no voting rights.
Dues rates are determined by:
- Full Membership – $200 per year
- National or Associate Membership – $100 per year